
Describes processes (mainly error processes) based on the callback function return value, and the system status (parts not supplied, etc.).

Function PF_Status(part ID As Integer, Status As Integer) As Integer
‘(Error processing)


  • Part ID
    The part ID (integer number from 1 to 32) goes here.
    When multi-part operation, the active part goes here.
  • Status
    The status goes here.
    This is either the callback function return value or a value set by the system (see Description).

Return values
PF_EXIT is set whenever a return value is not specified. This will terminate the Part Feeding process. Make sure to set a return value to avoid this.

    Continues the Part Feeding process. Normally this value should be specified.

    Terminate the Part Feeding process. When this value is specified, the Part Feeding process will terminated. If this value is specified, the device should be returned to the initial state (i.e., returning the robot to the home position, returning the robot to the motor is off, etc.).

    Restart the Part Feeding process from vision.

    Restart the Part Feeding process from vision. Only acquire an image and load the queue for the Active Part.

This function runs after other callback functions (except the PF_CycleStop function and the PF_Status function).

The return value for the callback function just performed or the error that occurred in the Part Feeding process is set to the Status parameter. Describes processes based on these Status values.

    Callback function completed successfully. Normally nothing to be processed.

    PF_Robot callback function finished successfully and the return value is PF_CALLBACK_RESTART. Normally nothing to be processed.

    PF_Robot callback function finished successfully and the return value is PF_CALLBACK_RESTART_ACTIVEPART. Normally nothing to be processed.

    This status indicates that parts are not being supplied from the hopper. Describes the operation to supply parts to the hopper. Normally nothing to be processed.

    This status indicates that too many parts are being supplied from the hopper, and that parts cannot be picked up. Describe the operation to remove parts from the hopper using an operator call, etc. Review hopper settings if this status occurs regularly.

    The part ID specified when running the PF_Start command is invalid. Make sure that you have specified the registered part ID correctly. You tried to start with multiple feeders during a multi-part operation. Please review the settings for each part. This immediately terminates the Part Feeding process.

    The part parameter specified when running the PF_Start command is invalid. This immediately terminates the Part Feeding process.

    PF_Start The part specified when running the PF_Start command has not completed the feeder calibration process. This immediately terminates the Part Feeding process.
    Refer to the following for further details.

    The parts remaining on the feeder could not be detected. Check that the part vision sequence can detect the parts properly. Or check for different types of parts or damaged parts.
    This Status value occurs after multiple attempts have been made to singulate the parts and the Part Blob sequence sees that there is something inside the Pick Region but the Part sequence is unable to identify it as a Front or Back part.

    The vision sequence or object for part blob detection is not valid. This immediately terminates the Part Feeding process. Check the part blob sequence and object that is used for the part.

    The vision sequence or object(s) used for part detection are not valid. This immediately terminates the Part Feeding process. Check the part sequence and object(s) that are used to detect the part.

    An error (system error) occurred while running the PF_Start command. This immediately terminates the Part Feeding process. Check that the vision sequence set in Vision functions properly. Debug callback functions individually to verify whether they function properly. Error 7730 "The maximum number of robots per feeder has been exceeded." can also occur when attempting to share a feeder with more than 2 robots.
    Operation process processes can be specified with the Status callback function return value.
    PF_EXIT is set whenever a return value is not specified. This will terminate the Part Feeding process. Make sure to set a return value to avoid this.

    The Part Feeding process was launched multiple times for the same feeder. The Feeding process is terminated immediately. Part Feeding process that is already running will continue. Recheck the program.

    The part is disabled.
    Make sure Enabled is checked in Epson RC+ 8.0 Menu - [Tools] - [Part Feeding] - [Parts] - [Part**] - [General].

    The PF_Purge function has been executed, although purging has been disabled.
    Make sure Enabled is checked in Epson RC+ 8.0 Menu - [Tools] - [Part Feeding] - [Parts] - [Part**] - [General].


  • Ensure that errors do not occur inside the PF_Status callback. If errors occur inside PF_Status, then PF_Status could be called recursively and error processing may not complete.

  • It is strongly recommended not to execute Feeder control commands (PF_Center, PF_CenterByShift, PF_Flip, PF_Shift) inside the PF_Status function.

  • PF_Status is responsible for telling the system how to proceed after completing the previous callback function (i.e., how to proceed after _Robot, PF_Vision, PF_Control, PF_MobileCam, PF_Feeder). This is accomplished by setting the PF_Status return value to one of the following return values -PF_CONTINUE, PF_RESTART or PF_RESTART_ACTIVEPART or PF_EXIT. See the example program below for details. See the example program below for details.

Program Example
The following program describes error processing.
The user error referred to in this example is the suction timeout error referred to in the program example used for the Robot callback function.
If this error occurs, the robot motors are turned off.

' ** User Error **
' 8001 Suction timeout occurred

Function PF_Status(PartID As Integer, Status As Integer) As Integer

    Select Status

            ' Success (do nothing under normal circumstances)
            ' Restart from vision
            PF_Status = PF_RESTART
            Exit Function

            ' Restart from vision –
            ' only acquire image and the load queue for Active Part
            PF_Status = PF_RESTART_ACTIVEPART
            Exit Function

            ' No parts in hopper
            MsgBox "Hopper empty."

            ' Too many parts in feeder
            MsgBox "Too many parts on Feeder."

        Case PF_STATUS_BAD_ID
            ' The specified part ID does not exist
            MsgBox "Bad PartID."

            ' Invalid part parameter
            MsgBox "Bad parameter."

            ' Calibration not complete
            MsgBox "Calibration incomplete."

            ' There may be a wrong part on the feeder platform.
            MsgBox "Wrong Part."

        Case PF_STATUS_ERROR
            ' Error
            MsgBox "Error!! (code: " + Str$(Err) + " ) " + ErrMsg$(Err)

            ' Part Blob vision error
            MsgBox "Part Blob vision error."

            ' Part Sequence vision error
            MsgBox "Part Sequence vision error."

            ' Feeder is already in use
            MsgBox "Feeder is already in use."

            ' Part is disabled
             MsgBox "Part is disabled."

            ' Purge is disabled.
            MsgBox "Purge is disabled."

        Case 8001
            ' Example: Suction timeout
            MsgBox " Vacuum Error!!"
            Motor Off
            PF_Status = PF_EXIT
            Exit Function


    PF_Status = PF_CONTINUE
