AbortMotion Statement
Aborts a motion command and puts the running task in error status.
This command is for the experienced user and you need to understand the command specification before use.
- robotNumber
- Robot number that you want to stop the motion for.
- All
- Aborts motion for all robots.
Depending on the robot status when AbortMotion is executed, the result is different as follows.
In each case, hook an error and handle the error processing with OnErr to continue the processing.
Error 2999 can use the constant ERROR_DOINGMOTION.
Error 2998 can use the constant ERROR_NOMOTION.
Write a program not to execute AbortMotion more than twice before executing the continuous execution (Cont).
When the robot is executing the motion command
The robot promptly pauses the arm motion immediately and cancels the remaining motions.
Error 2999 (ERROR_DOINGMOTION) occurs in the task which was running the motion command for the robot.
For the following motion commands, the robot directly moves to the next position from the point where it was paused.
When the robot has been paused immediately
When AbortMotion is executed, the remaining motion is canceled.
Error 2999 (ERROR_DOINGMOTION) occurs in the task which was running the motion command for the robot when specifying the Cont statement.
For the following motion commands, the robot directly moves to the next position from the point where it was paused.
When the robot is in WaitRecover status (Safeguard Open)
When AbortMotion is executed, the remaining motion is canceled.
The following motions can be selected with the Recover command flags.
- When executing “Recover robotNumber, WithMove”, the robot motors turn on and the recovery motion is executed. When Cont is executed, error 2999 (ERROR_DOINGMOTION) occurs in the task which was running the motion command for the robot. For the following motion commands, the robot directly moves to the next position from the point where it was paused.
- When executing “Recover robotNumber, WithoutMove”, the robot motors turn on. When Cont is executed, error 2999 (ERROR_DOINGMOTION) occurs in the task which was running the motion command for the robot. For the following motion commands, the robot directly moves to the next position from the point where it was paused, without the recovery motion.
When the robot is executing commands other than motion commands
Error 2998 (ERROR_NOMOTION) occurs in the task which was previously running the motion command for the robot. When the task is waiting with Wait or Input commands, the task is aborted promptly and error 2998 occurs.
When executing a motion command with CP On and a program has no more motion commands, error 2998 occurs even if the robot is running.
When the robot is not running from a program (task)
An error occurs.
About the Controllers to use
It cannot be used with T/VT series.
See Also
OnErr, Recover, Till
AbortMotion Statement Example
When memory I/O #0 turns on, AbortMotion is executed and the robot goes back to the home position.
Function main
Motor On
Xqt sub, NoEmgAbort
OnErr GoTo errhandle
Go P0
Wait Sw(1)
Go P1
Quit sub
Exit Function
Quit sub
Exit Function
Print Err
Print "Robot is moving" ' Executing Go P0 or Go P1
EResume errstart
Print "Robot is not moving" ' Executes Wait Sw(1)
EResume errstart
Print "Error Stop" ' Other error occurs
Quit All
Function sub
MemOff 0
Wait MemSw(0)
AbortMotion 1
MemOff 0
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