AIO_TrackingEnd Statement

Ends the distance tracking function.


End the distance tracking function started by AIO_TrackingStart.

See Also
AIO_TrackingSet, AIO_TrackingStart, AIO_TrackingOn Function

AIO_TrackingEnd Statement Example
The following is an example program which moves the robot by using the distance tracking function. (P1: Start point, P2: relay point, P3: End point)


The parameters set in the example are reference values.

Please note that the operation may not be successful or the motion may be vibratory depending on the set parameters and some operating conditions.

If the robot moves abnormally, immediately hold down the emergency button.

Function Main
  Integer ChNo
  Motor On
  Power High
  SpeedS 30
  AccelS 300300

  Go P1    ‘ Move to P1: start point
  AIO_TrackingSet ChNo,10,0,-3,3,0,2    ‘ Set the distance tracking function
  AIO_TrackingStart ChNo,1,0,0    ‘ Start the distance tracking function
  Move P2    ‘ Move to P2 with executing the distance tracking function
  Move P3    ‘ Move to P3 with executing the distance tracking function
  AIO_TrackingEnd    ‘ End the distance tracking function
  Motor Off