Accel Statement
Sets (or displays) the acceleration and deceleration rates for the point to point motion instructions Go, Jump and Pulse.
Accel accel, decel [, departAccel, departDecel, approAccel, approDecel]
- accel
- Specify the percentage of maximum acceleration as an integer greater than or equal to 1. (Unit: %)
- decel
- Specify the percentage of maximum deceleration as an integer greater than or equal to 1. (Unit: %)
- departAccel
- Specify the depart acceleration for Jump as an integer greater than or equal to 1. Optional. Available only with Jump command.
- departDecel
- Specify the depart deceleration for Jump as an integer greater than or equal to 1. Optional. Available only with Jump command.
- approAccel
- Specify the approach acceleration for Jump as an integer greater than or equal to 1. Optional. Available only with Jump command.
- approDecel
- Specify the approach deceleration for Jump as an integer greater than or equal to 1. Optional. Available only with Jump command.
Return Values
When parameters are omitted, the current Accel parameters are displayed.
Accel specifies the acceleration and deceleration for all Point to Point type motions. This includes motion caused by the Go, Jump and Pulse robot motion instructions.
Each acceleration and deceleration parameter defined by the Accel instruction may be an integer value 1 or more. This number represents a percentage of the maximum acceleration (or deceleration) allowed. Usually, the maximum value is 100. However, some robots allow setting larger than 100. Use AccelMax function to get the maximum value available for Accel.
The Accel instruction can be used to set new acceleration and deceleration values or simply to print the current values. When the Accel instruction is used to set new accel and decel values, the first 2 parameters (accel and decel ) in the Accel instruction are required.
The optional departAccel, departDecel, approAccel, and approDecel parameters are effective for the Jump instruction only and specify acceleration and deceleration values for the depart motion at the beginning of Jump and the approach motion at the end of Jump.
The Accel value initializes to the default values (low acceleration) when any one of the following conditions occurs:
- Controller Startup
- Motor On
- SFree, SLock, Brake
- Reset or Reset Error is executed
- Task end by STOP switch or Quit All
Executing the Accel command in Low Power Mode (Power Low)
If Accel is executed when the robot is in low power mode (Power Low), the new values are stored, but the current values are limited to low values. The current acceleration values are in effect when Power is set to High, and Teach mode is OFF.
Accel vs. AccelS
It is important to note that the Accel instruction does not set the acceleration and deceleration rates for straight line and arc motion. The AccelS instruction is used to set the acceleration and deceleration rates for the straight line and arc type moves.
Accel setting larger than 100
Usually, the maximum value is 100. However, some robots allow setting larger than 100. In general use, Accel setting 100 is the optimum setting that maintains the balance of acceleration and vibration when positioning. However, you may require an operation with high acceleration to shorten the cycle time by decreasing the vibration at positioning. In this case, set the Accel to larger than 100. Except in some operation conditions, the cycle time may not change by setting Accel to larger than 100.
See Also
AccelR, AccelS, Go, Jump, Jump3, Power, Pulse, Speed, TGo
Accel Statement Example
The following example shows a simple motion program where the acceleration (Accel) and speed (Speed) is set using predefined variables.
[Example 1]
Function acctest
Integer slow, accslow, decslow, fast, accfast, decfast
slow = 20 'set slow speed variable
fast = 100 'set high speed variable
accslow = 20 'set slow acceleration variable
decslow = 20 'set slow deceleration variable
accfast = 100 'set fast acceleration variable
decfast = 100 'set fast deceleration variable
Accel accslow, decslow
Speed slow
Jump pick
On gripper
Accel accfast, decfast
Speed fast
Jump place
[Example 2]
Set the Z joint downward deceleration to be slow to allow a gentle placement of the part when using the Jump instruction. This means we must set the Zdnd parameter low when setting the Accel values.
>Accel 100,100,100,100,100,35
100 100
100 100
100 35