AccelR Statement

Sets or displays the acceleration and deceleration values for tool rotation control of CP motion.

(1) AccelR accel [, decel]
(2) AccelR


Specify the acceleration specification value as a real number (0.1 to 5000). (deg/sec2)
Specify the deceleration specification value as a real number (0.1 to 5000). (deg/sec2)

Valid entries range of the parameters

accel / decel
VT series 0.1 to 1000
C series, N series, T series, G series, GX series, RS series, LS-B series 0.1 to 5000


Return Values
When parameters are omitted, the current AccelR settings are displayed.

AccelR is effective when the ROT modifier is used in the Move, Arc, Arc3, BMove, TMove, and Jump3CP motion commands.

The AccelR value initializes to the default values when any one of the following conditions occurs:

  • Controller Startup
  • Motor On
  • SFree, SLock, Brake
  • Reset or Reset Error is executed
  • Task end by STOP switch or Quit All

See Also
Arc, Arc3, BMove, Jump3CP, Power, SpeedR, TMove

AccelR Statement Example

AccelR 360, 200