Atan2 Function
Returns the angle of the imaginary line connecting points (0,0) and (X, Y) in radians.
Atan2(X, Y)
- X
- Specify the X coordinate value as a real number value.
- Y
- Specify the Y coordinate value as a real number value.
Return Values
Numeric value in radians (-PI to +PI).
Atan2(X, Y) returns the angle of the line which connects points (0, 0) and (X, Y).
This trigonometric function returns an arctangent angle in all four quadrants.
See Also
Abs, Acos, Asin, Atan, Cos, DegToRad, RadToDeg, Sgn, Sin, Tan, Val
Atan2 Function Example
Function at2test
Real x, y
Print "Please enter a number for the X Coordinate:"
Input x
Print "Please enter a number for the Y Coordinate:"
Input y
Print "Atan2 of ", x, ", ", y, " is ", Atan2(x, y)