Asin Function
Returns the arcsine of a numeric expression.
- number
- Specify the sine of the angle as a real number value.
Return Values
Real value, in radians, representing the arc sine of the parameter number.
Asin returns the arcsine of the numeric expression. Values range is from -1 to -1. The value returned by Asin will range from -PI / 2 to PI / 2 radians. If number is -1 or -1, an error occurs.
To convert from radians to degrees, use the RadToDeg function.
See Also
Abs, Acos, Atan, Atan2, Cos, DegToRad, RadToDeg, Sgn, Sin, Tan, Val
Asin Function Example
Function asintest
Double x
x = Sin(DegToRad(45))
Print "Asin of ", x, " is ", Asin(x)