AIO_Set Function

Returns the configuration information of the robot speed output which is set in optional analog I/O output channel.

AIO_Set(channelNumber, Index)


Specify the channel number of the analog I/O.
Specify the index of acquiring configuration information in integer.

Return Values
The following table shows the information that is available from the AIO_Set function:

Index Information
1 On(1) / Off(0)
2 RefTCPSpeed(0)/ RealTCPSpeed(1)/ RefECPSpeed(2)/ RealECPSpeed(3)
3 Maximum output speed [mm/sec]
4 Minimum output speed [mm/sec]
5 Conveyor number is not specified (0)/Conveyor number (1 to 16)

See Also
AIO_In Function, AIO_Out, AIO_OutW, AIO_Out Function, AIO_OutW Function, AIO_Set, Wait

AIO_Set Function Example

Print "Analog Ch#1 speed output is: ", AIO_Set(1, 1)