And Operator

Operator used to perform a logical or bitwise And of 2 expressions.

result = expr1 And expr2


expr1, expr2
For logical And, specify a value which returns a Boolean result. For bitwise And, an integer expression.
For logical And, a Boolean value is returned. For bitwise And, result is an integer.

A logical And is used to combine the results of 2 or more expressions into 1 single Boolean result. The following table indicates the possible combinations.

expr1 expr2 result
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False False

A bitwise And performs a bitwise comparison of identically positioned bits in two numeric expressions and sets the corresponding bit in result according to the following table:

If bit in expr1 is And bit in expr2 is The result is
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

See Also
LShift, Mask, Not, Or, RShift, Xor

And Operator Example

Function LogicalAnd(x As Integer, y As Integer)

  If x = 1 And y = 2 Then
    Print "The values are correct"

Function BitWiseAnd()

  If (Stat(0) And &H800000) = &H800000 Then
    Print "The enable switch is open"

>print 15 and 7