AIO_TrackingStart Statement
Starts the distance tracking function.
AIO_TrackingStart channelNumber,ProportionalGain [,IntegralGain [,DifferentialGain]]
- channelNumber
- Specify the channel number of the analog I/O to which the distance sensor is connected as an integer value from 1 to 8.
- ProportionalGain
- Specify the proportional gain of the distance tracking function as a positive real number less than or equal to 50, excluding 0. Optimum value differs depending on the robot motion speed or workpiece shape. Therefore, the value needs to be set depending on the using environment.
- IntegralGain
- Specify the integral gain of the distance tracking function as a positive real number less than or equal to 100. The value can be omitted. If omitted, “0” is set. To increase accuracy of the distance tracking, adjust the integral gain.
- DifferentialGain
- Specify the derivative gain of the distance tracking function as a positive real number less than or equal to 100. The value can be omitted. If omitted, “0” is set. To increase accuracy of the distance tracking, adjust the differential gain.
The distance tracking function controls the robot so that a constant distance can be kept between the robot and the workpiece using the value measured by distance sensor which is connected to the analog I/O.
Direction of the robot axis to be controlled is specified by the “Axis to execute the distance tracking function” parameter of AIO_TrackingSet. If the kept distance is set as “reference value”, the measured value by the distance sensor when executing the command will be the reference value.
Execute AIO_TrackingStart to start the distance tracking function and the function ends by executing AIO_TrackingEnd. The function is working until AIO_TrackingEnd is executed. If you do not use the function, execute AIO_TrackingEnd immediately to end the function.
If AIO_TrackingStart is executed before AIO_TrackingSet, an error occurs. Be sure to execute AIO_TrackingSet before executing AIO_TrackingStart.
The distance tracking function is available for SCARA robots (including RS series manipulators) and 6-Axis robots (including N series manipulators).
The robot can move while the function is working. However, the robot moves in CP motion only and PTP motion is not available.
If the robot passes singularity neighborhood while the distance tracking function is working, an error occurs.
The following commands cannot be used while the distance tracking function is executed.
Command to turn OFF the motor | Motor off, SFree |
PTP motion commands | BGo, Go, JTran, Jump, Jump3, Jump3CP, JumpTLZ, Pass, Ptran, Pulse, TGo |
Force control commands | FCKeep, Motion commands with FC, FS#.Reset, FS.Reboot |
Torque control command | TC |
Conveyor tracking commands | Motion command + Cnv_QueGet |
VRT commands | VRT, VRT_CPMotion |
Setting commands | AIO_TrackingSet, Arm, ArmSet, Base, Calib, CalPls, ECP, ECPSet, Hofs, Inertia, MCal, Power, TLSet, Tool, Weight (For AIO_TrackingSet, ArmSet, ECPSet, and TLSet, an error occurs when changing the using number.) |
Others | Brake, Here, Home, VCal, WaitPos |
Settings for ProportionalGain, IntegralGain, and DifferentialGain
In ProportionalGain, the larger value you set, the faster the robot tracks. However, if the set value is too large, the robot moves too fast and may result in an error.
IntegralGain and DifferentialGain can be omitted. To increase the correction accuracy, the setting is required.
If the setting is not proper, the robot may move fast or vibrate.
For details on each gain setting, refer to the following manual.
"Epson RC+ User’s Guide: 19. Distance Tracking Function"
If too large value is set for ProportionalGain, IntegralGain, and DifferentialGain, the robot may move unintentionally.
Please increase values of each parameter gradually. Changing the value to a larger one at one time is extremely hazardous and the robot may move unintentionally.
If the robot moves abnormally, immediately hold down the emergency button.
See Also
AIO_TrackingSet, AIO_TrackingEnd, AIO_TrackingOn Function
AIO_TrackingStart Statement Example
The following is an example program which moves the robot by using the distance tracking function. (P1: Start point, P2: relay point, P3: End point)
The parameters set in the example are reference values.
Please note that the operation may not be successful or the motion may be vibratory depending on the set parameters and some operating conditions.
If the robot moves abnormally, immediately hold down the emergency button.
Function Main
Motor On
Power High
SpeedS 30
AccelS 300300
Go P1 ‘ Move to P1: start point
AIO_TrackingSet 1,1,0,-5,5,0,2 ‘ Set the distance tracking function
AIO_TrackingStart 1,1,0,0 ‘ Start the distance tracking function
Move P2 ‘ Move to P2 with executing the distance tracking function
Move P3 ‘ Move to P3 with executing the distance tracking function
AIO_TrackingEnd ‘ End the distance tracking function
Motor Off