AutoLJM Statement
Sets the Auto LJM function.
AutoLJM { On | Off }
- On | Off
- On: Enables the Auto LJM.
- Off: Disables the Auto LJM.
AutoLJM is available for following commands.
Arc, Arc3, Go, Jump3, Jump3CP, Move
When AutoLJM is On, the manipulator operates with a least joint motion, just like using the LJM function, whether the LJM function is applied to the position data to be passed to each command or not.
For example, to get the same effect as Go LJM(P1), you can write a program as follows.
AutoLJM On
Go P1
AutoLJM Off
Since AutoLJM can enable LJM within a particular section of a program, it is not necessary to edit each motion command.
When AutoLJM is Off, the LJM function is only enabled when it is applied to the position data to be passed to each motion command.
In any of the following cases, AutoLJM has the setting specified in the controller settings (factory default: Off).
- Controller startup
- Reset
- All task stop
- Motor On
- Switching the Auto / Programming operation mode
Double application of AutoLJM and LJM function
If LJM function is applied to the point data to be passed to the motion command while AutoLJM is On, LJM will be doubly applied at the command execution.
For Move LJM(P1, Here) and Move LJM(P1), enabling AutoLJM will not affect the motion. However, if AutoLJM is enabled for Move LJM(P1, P0), motion completion positions of Move LJM(LJM(P1, P0), Here), which enabled AutoLJM, and the one of Move LJM(P1, P0), which did not enable AutoLJM, may be different.
It is recommended to write a program not to duplicate AutoLJM and LJM functions.
AutoLJM Usage Precaution
You can set the AutoLJM function to be enabled at the controller startup by setting the controller preferences. However, if Auto LJM is enabled at all times by controller preferences or commands, this function automatically adjusts the posture of the manipulator to reduce the motion distance, even when you intended to move the joint widely.
Therefore, it is recommended to create a program to apply the LJM function only when necessary by using LJM function or AutoLJM command.
See Also
AuoLJM Function, LJM Function
AutoLJM Statement Example
AutoLJM On
Go P1
Go P2
AutoLJM Off