SimSet Statement

Set properties of each object of simulator. Operate the robot motion, objects, and simulator settings.

(1) Property setting for object

SimSet Object.Property, Value
SimSet Robot.Hand.Property, Value

(2) Motion settings for robot (Pick & Place)

SimSet Robot.Pick, Object [,Tool]
SimSet Robot.Place, Object

(3) Operation settings for objects (specify the parent object)

SimSet Object.SetParent [, ParentObject]

(4) Simulator settings (reset the collision detect)

SimSet ResetCollision

(1) Property setting for object

String variable that indicates object names acquiring the property values.
String variable that indicates the robot name which the hand specified by “Hand” is installed.
String variable that indicates the hand name which acquires the property values.
Property name that sets the value. Descriptions of properties are described later.
Formula with new values. Data type depends on properties.

(2) Motion settings for robot (Pick & Place)

String variable that indicates the robot name to Pick or Place.
String variable that indicates the object name to be Picked or Placed.
Formula that indicates Tool number which is used at the time of Picking.

(3) Operation settings for objects (specify the parent object)

String variable that indicates the object name which sets the parent object.
String variable that indicates the parent object name.

Use this command to set properties of each object of simulator.

(1) Property setting for object

You can set the objects by specifying the properties shown below.

Property Descriptions Unit Data type Return value
PositionX Set a position of X coordinate. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: -100000

PositionY Set a position of Y coordinate. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: -100000

PositionZ Set a position of Z coordinate. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: -100000

RotationX Set rotation angle of X axis. (degree) Double

Max: 360

Min: -360

RotationY Set rotation angle of Y axis. (degree) Double

Max: 360

Min: -360

RotationZ Set rotation angle of Z axis. (degree) Double

Max: 360

Min: -360

CollisionCheck Set enable/disable of collision detect. - Boolean True or False
CollisionCheckSelf Set enable/disable of self-collision detect of the robot. - Boolean True or False
Visible Set state of display/non-display. - Boolean True or False
HalfSizeX Acquire a length of Box object in the X direction. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

HalfSizeY Acquire a length of Box object in the Y direction. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

HalfSizeZ Acquire a length of Box object in the Z direction. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

HalfSizeHeight Acquire a length of Plane object. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

HalfSizeWidth Acquire a width of Plane object. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

PlaneType Acquire a type of Plane object. - Integer

Horizontal: 0

Vertical: 1

Radius Acquire a radius of Sphere object or Cylinder object. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

Height Acquire a height of Cylinder object. (mm) Double

Max: 100000

Min: 0.001

Name Acquire an object name. String
Color Acquire a display color of an object. String Color name or hexadecimal color code (ARGB)

You can set the property by combinations shown in the list below.

Property Object
Robot Hand Box Sphere Cylinder Plane CAD Camera
CollisionCheckSelf - - - - - - -
Visible -
HalfSizeX - - - - - - -
HalfSizeY - - - - - - -
HalfSizeZ - - - - - - -
HalfSizeHeight - - - - - - -
HalfSizeWidth - - - - - - -
PlaneType - - - - - - -
Radius - - - - - -
Height - - - - - - -
Color - - - -

(2) Motion settings for robot (Pick & Place)

You can set the following robot motions.

  • Pick

    The robot specified by “Robot” grasps the object specified by “Object”.

    Grasped object is registered as the part of the robot. Also, if any tool number is specified to “Tool”, you can operate grasped motion by using the specified tool number. If the “Tool” settings are omitted, use Tool0 to operate grasped motion.

    You cannot grasp the object that is already registered as the part or set as an arm installation tool. Also, you cannot grasp the camera.

  • Place

    The robot specified by “Robot” places the object specified by “Object”. The placed object is deregistered as the part of the robot.

    You cannot place the objects which registrations are already deregistered.

    You can grasp or place the object by combinations shown in the list below.

    Motion Objects
    Robot Hand Box Sphere Cylinder Plane CAD Camera
    Pick - - -
    Place - - -

(3) Operation settings for objects (specify the parent object)

You can set operations for the following objects

  • SetParent

    Set the object specified by “ParentObject” as the parent object for the object specified by “Object”. “ParentObject” can be omitted. In that case, the object specified by “Object” will be the parent object. If the object specified by “Object” is a child object of some object, the setting as the child object is deregistered.

    If the object specified by “Object” is registered as part or arm installation tool, you cannot specify the parent object.

    The objects that can specify the SetParent are as follows. For the camera object, only the object set as a fixed camera can use the SetParent.

    Operation Objects
    Robot Hand Box Sphere Cylinder Plane CAD Camera
    SetParent - -

    You can use SetParent by combinations shown in the list below.

    Robot Hand Box Sphere Cylinder Plane CAD Camera
    Child Object Robot - - - - - - - -
    Hand - - - - - - - -
    Box - -
    Sphere - -
    Cylinder - -
    Plane - -
    CAD - -
    Camera - -

(4) Simulator settings (reset the collision detect) You can change the following simulator settings.

  • ResetCollision

    Reset the collision detect. If the robot and the object do not collide after executing ResetCollision, reset the collision state and update the 3D display on the simulator. If the robot and the object collide, the collision state does not be reset and 3D display of the simulator will not be updated.

See Also

SimSet Statement Example

‘Set the X coordinate value of SBox_1 object to 100.0mm
SimSet SBox_1.PositionX, 100.0

‘Grasp SBox_1 by Tool1 in Robot1
SimSet Robot1.Pick, SBox_1, 1

‘Place SBox_1 grasped by Robot1
SimSet Robot1.Place, SBox_1

‘Set CAD_1 to the parent object of SBox_1
SimSet SBox_1.SetParent, CAD_1

‘Set SBox_1 as the parent object
SimSet SBox_1.SetParent

‘Reset the collision detect
SimSet ResetCollision