Sets and displays the motion speed limit according to the tool orientation rotation speed.
(1) SpeedRLimitation {On | Off}
(2) SpeedRLimitation
- On | Off
- On: Enables motion speed limiting according to the tool orientation rotation speed.
Off: Disables motion speed limiting according to the tool orientation rotation speed.
When parameters are omitted, the current SpeedR setting is displayed.
SpeedRLimitation is available for following commands:
Move, TMove, BMove, Arc, Arc3, Jump3CP
When SpeedRLimitation is turned on, the motion speed is limited so that the tool rotation speed does not exceed the set SpeedR during CP motion. If the tool orientation rotation speed does not exceed the set SpeedR, it moves at the speed set with SpeedS.
Even when SpeedRLimitation is turned off, the operation speed is automatically limited when the speed of tool orientation rotation is too high. If you wish to adjust the tool orientation rotation speed, turn on the SpeedRLimitation function and set SpeedR to an appropriate value.
In any of the following cases, SpeedRLimitation is reset to the setting defined in the controller settings (factory default: Off).
- Controller Startup
- Motor On
- Reset
- Reset, Reset Error
- Task termination with the STOP switch or execution of Quit All
- Caution on using SpeedRLimitation
In the controller preferences, you can turn on the movement speed limit based on the tool orientation rotation speed at controller startup. - Setting SpeedR
Since the default value of SpeedR is set to a low speed, CP motion with orientation changes can be slow if SpeedR is not set appropriately. When enabling SpeedRLimitation, set SpeedR which is the upper limit of the tool orientation rotation speed to an appropriate value, along with SpeedS.
See Also
SpeedR, SpeedS, SpeedRLimitation function, Move, TMove, BMove, Arc, Arc3, Jump3CP
Example of using SpeedRLimitation
SpeedR 50 'deg/s
SpeedRLimitation On
Move P1