SLock Statement
Release the free joint state for the specified servo axis.
SLock jointNumber [, jointNumber,... ]
- Joint number
- Specify the joint number (an integer from 1 to 9) as an expression or numeric value. Additional S axis is 8, and T axis is 9.
SLock release the free joint state which was free joint state by the SFree instruction for the direct teaching or part installation.
If the joint number is omitted, all joints are released free joint.
Executing SLock the 3rd joint (Z) causes the brake to release.
Executing SLock while in Motor Off state will cause an error. SLock initializes the robot control parameter. See Motor On for the details.
6-axis robots (including N series) cannot be free joint state by the SFree instruction. When SLock is executed, an error occurs.
See Also
Brake, LimZ, Reset, SFree
SLock Example
This is a simple example on the usage of the SLock command. To operate the robot in this exemple, the [Allow motion with one or more joints free] checkbox must be selected from [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Preferences].
Function test
SFree 1, 2 'State J1 and J2 to free joint and control the Z and U joints for part installation.
Go P1
SLock 1, 2 'Release the free joint state of J1 and J2.