SpeedS Statement

Specifies or displays the arm speed for use with the continuous path motion instructions such as Move, Arc, Arc3, Jump3, and Jump3CP.

(1) SpeedS speed [, departSpeed, approSpeed]

(2) SpeedS


Specify the speed as an expression or numeric value (integer, unit: mm/sec).
Optional. Real expression representing the Jump3 depart speed in units of mm/sec.
Optional. Real expression representing the Jump3 approach speed in units of mm/sec.

Valid entries range of the parameters:

  • Other than N series: 0.1 to 2000
  • N series : 0.1 to 1120

Return Values
Displays current SpeedS value when used without parameters.

SpeedS specifies the tool center point speed for use with all the continuous path motion instructions.

This includes motion caused by the Move and Arc instructions. SpeedS is specified in mm/Sec which represents a Tool Center Point velocity for the robot arm. The default value varies from robot to robot. See the following manual for the default SpeedS values for your robot model.
"Manipulator Manual"

This is the initial SpeedS value set up automatically by the controller each time main power is turned on.

The SpeedS value initializes to its default value when any one of the following is performed:

  • Controller Startup
  • Motor On
  • SFree, SLock, Brake
  • Reset or Reset Error is executed
  • Task end by STOP switch or Quit All

In Low Power Mode, the effective SpeedS setting is lower than the default value. If a higher speed is specified directly (from the command window) or in a program, the speed is set to the default value. In High Power Mode, the motion SpeedS setting is the value of SpeedS.

If higher speed motion is required, set high power mode using Power High and close the safety door. If the safety door is open, the SpeedS settings will be changed to their default value.

See Also
AccelS, Arc, Jump3, Move, Speed

SpeedS Statement Example
SpeedS can be used from the command window or in a program. Shown below are simple examples of both methods.

Function speedtst
  Integer slow, fast, i
  slow = 50
  fast = 500
  For i = 1 To 10
    SpeedS slow
    Move P0
    Move P1
    SpeedS fast
    Move P0
    Move P1
  Next i

From the command window the user can also set SpeedS values.

> speeds 1000
> speeds 500
> speed 30     'sets point to point speed
> go p0        'point to point move
> speeds 100   'sets straight line speed in mm/Sec
> move P1      'moves in straight line