SpeedFactor Statement

Sets and returns the setting value of speed factor for manipulator motions.

(1) SpeedFactor speedRatio

(2) SpeedFactor


Specify the speed ratio of the robot motion (integer from 1 to 100, unit: %) as an expression or numeric value.

Return Values
Displays current SpeedFactor value when used without parameters.

SpeedFactor specifies the speed factor for all manipulators and motions set to the Controller. Usually, SpeedFactor is set to 100 % and speed for each manipulator/motion command is set by Speed or SpeedR. SpeedFactor is useful to set specific speed to all motions of all manipulators at one time. For example, the motion with Speed = 80% operates at 40% of the speed, when speed ratio is 50%.

SpeedFactor also changes the acceleration at the same rate in consideration of a balance of acceleration and deceleration of the manipulator motion.

SpeedFactor is equivalent to the speed ratio setting in the operator window and changes along with the value.

SpeedFactor will be initialized to 100% at the Controller startup.

See Also
SpeedFactor Function

SpeedFactor Statement Example

Function main
    Motor On
    Power High
    SpeedFactor 80

    Speed 100; Accel 100,100
    Go P1            'Operates with Speed 80; Accel 80,80

    Speed 50; Accel 50,50
    Go P2            'Operates with Speed 40; Accel 40,40