SysErr Function

Returns the latest error status or warning status.

SysErr [(infoNo)]


Specify whether to get an error code or a warning code as an integer value. (Optional) 0: Error code (When omitted) 1: Warning code

Return Values
An integer representing the error code or warning code of the controller.

SysErr is used only for NoEmgAbort task (special task using NoEmgAbort at Xqt) and background tasks.

Error codes or warning codes of controller are the error codes or warning codes displayed on the LCD.

When there are no errors or warnings, the return value will be 0.

See Also
ErrMsg$, ErrorOn, Trap, Xqt

SysErr Function Example
The following example shows a program that monitors the controller error and switches the I/O On/Off according to the error number when error occurs.


  • Forced Flag

    This program example uses Forced flag for On/Off command.

    Be sure that the I/O outputs change during error, or at Emergency Stop or Safety Door Open when designing the system.

  • Error Handling

    As this program, finish the task promptly after completing the error handling.

Function main

Xqt ErrorMonitor, NoEmgAbort

Function ErrorMonitor
  Wait ErrorOn
  If 4000 < SysErr Then
    Print "Motion Error = ", SysErr
    Off 10, Forced
    On 12, Forced
    Print "Other Error = ", SysErr
    Off 11, Forced
    On 13, Forced
