String Statement

Declares variables of type String. (Character-string variables)

String varName$ [(subscripts)] [, varName$ [(subscripts)]...]


Specify the string type and the name of the variable to be declared. subscripts: Optional. Dimensions of an array variable; up to 3 dimensions may be declared. The subscripts syntax is as follows
(ubound1, [ubound2], [ubound3])
ubound1, ubound2, ubound3 each specify the maximum upper bound for the associated dimension. The elements in each dimension of an array are numbered from 0 and the available number of array elements is the upper bound value + 1. When specifying the upper bound value, make sure the number of total elements is within the range shown below:

  • Local variable: 200
  • Global Preserve variable: 400
  • Global variable and module variable: 10,000

The String statement is used to declare variables of type String. String variables can contain up to 255 characters. Local variables should be declared at the top of a function. Global and module variables must be declared outside functions.

  • String Operators

    The following operators can be used to manipulate string variables:

  • +: Merges character strings together. Can be used in the assignment statements for string variables or in the Print instruction.

    Example: name$ = fname$ + " " + lname$
  • =: Compares character strings. True is returned only when the two strings are exactly equal, including case.

    Example: If temp1$ = "A" Then GoSub test
  • < >: Compares character strings. True is returned when one or more characters in the two strings are different.

    Example: If temp1$ <> "A" Then GoSub test


  • Variable Names Must Include "$" Character:

    Variables of type String must have the character "$" as the last character in the variable name.

See Also
Boolean, Byte, Double, Global, Int32, Int64, Integer, Long, Real, Short, UByte, UInt32, UInt64, UShort

String Statement Example

String password$
String A$(10)         'Single dimension array of string
String B$(10, 10)     'Two dimension array of string
String C$(5, 5, 5)    'Three dimension array of string

Print "Enter password:"
Input password$
If UCase$(password$) = "EPSON" Then
    Call RunMaintenance
    Print "Password invalid!"