RobotLimZ Property
Applies To
Vision Calibration
Sets / returns the robot LimZ value used during the calibration cycle for a mobile camera.
VGet Calibration.RobotLimZ, var
VSet Calibration.RobotLimZ, value
- Calibration
- Name of a calibration or string variable containing a calibration name.
- var
- Real variable that will contain the value of the property.
- value
- Real number or expression for the new value of the property.
Real value from -999 to 999 (Unit: mm)
Default: 0
Use RobotLimZ to specify the LimZ value used for the first motion used in a mobile camera calibration cycle (SCARA robot only).
During mobile calibration, when the robot is moved to the first camera calibration point, a Jump command is used. RobotLimZ can be used to limit the distance that the robot moves up in Z for that Jump command.
See Also
Accel Statement, RobotSpeed Property, Speed Statement