RobotToolXYU Result
Runtime only
Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcFinder, ArcInspector, Blob, BoxFinder, CodeReader, ColorMatch, Contour, CornerFinder Correlation, DefectFinder Edge, Geometric,LineInspector Point, Polar
Returns the tool X, tool Y and and tool U values of the found part's position as a robot tool.
VGet Sequence.Object.RobotToolXYU[(result)], found, xVar, yVar, uVar
- Sequence
- Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name .
- The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- found
- Boolean variable representing whether the part you are looking for was found.
- xVar
- Real variable that will contain the X offset of the tool.
- yVar
- Real variable that will contain the Y offset of the tool.
- uVar
- Real variable that will contain the angular rotation of the tool.
- result
- Optional result number. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult. Used for objects that return multiple results.
- found: True or False
- xVar: Real number in millimeters.
- yVar: Real number in millimeters.
- uVar: Real number in degrees
The RobotToolXYU result returns the tool offsets of the found part with an upward camera and therefore can be used to define a tool for robot guidance applications. The RobotToolXYU result xVar and yVar values are always returned in millimeters. The uVar value is always returned in degrees. When used for a Point object, uVar always returns 0.
It should be noted that the RobotToolXYU result can only be calculated for vision sequences which have been calibrated with the robot coordinate system with the CameraOriention set to Fixed Upward. If an invalid calibration has been assigned to the vision sequence then the RobotToolXYU result cause an error to occur.
VGet Seq. Geom01. RobotToolXYU, f, tx, ty, tu
If f = True then
Tlset 1, xY(tx,ty,u,tu)
Jump Placepos,
See Also
ArcFinder Object, ArcInspector Object, Blob Object, BoxFinder Object, CameraX Result,CameraY Result, CameraXYU Result, CodeReader Object, ColorMatch Object,、Contour Object, CornerFinder Object, Correlation Object, DefectFinder Object, Edge Object, Found Result, Geometric Object, LineInspector Object, PixelXYU Result, Point Object, Polar Object, RobotPos Property, RobotX Result, RobotY Result, RobotU Result