RobotX Result

Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcFinder, ArcInspector, Blob, BoxFinder, CodeReader, ColorMatch, Contour, CornerFinder, Correlation, DefectFinder, Edge, Geometric, LineInspector, Point, Polar, OCR, Coordinates

Returns the X position coordinate of the found part's position in the robot coordinate system.


VGet  Sequence.Object.RobotX [(result)], var
Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
Real variable that will contain the value of the result.
Optional result number. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult. Used for objects that return multiple results.

Real number in millimeters.

The RobotX result returns an X coordinate in the robot coordinate system, and can therefore be used for robot guidance applications. This means that the RobotX result is suited for robot guidance applications. However, keep in mind that a special result called the RobotXYU result is most often used for robot guidance because it returns not only the X, but also the Y, and U coordinate positions as well as whether the part was found. See RobotXYU Result.
RobotXYU Result

The RobotX Result is always returned in millimeters.

It should be noted that the RobotX result can only be calculated for vision sequences which have been calibrated with the robot coordinate system. If no calibration has been assigned to the vision sequence then using VGet to retreive the RobotX result will cause an error to occur.

Use RobotXOffset property to add the offset to RobotX result.

For the RobotX Result, the following statistics are available.

RobotXMax, RobotXMean, RobotXMin, RobotXStdDev.

For details on how to use statistics, refer to 9.Using Vision Guide Statistics in the Vision Guide Software manual.

See Also
Angle Result, Blob Object, CameraXYU Result, Correlation Object, DefectFinder Object, Edge Object, Found Result, Geometric Object, PixelXYU Result, Point Object, Polar Object, RobotXOffset Property, RobotY Result, RobotU Result, RobotXYU Result, CodeReader Object, OCR Object, BoxFinder Object, Contour Object, CornerFinder Object, Coordinates Object