RuntimeFreeze Property
Applies To
Vision Sequence
Defines whether to freeze the display of an image acquired during a vision sequence.
VGet Sequence.RuntimeFreeze, var
VSet Sequence.RuntimeFreeze, value
- Sequence
- Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
- var
- Boolean variable that will contain the value of the property
- value
- Boolean value or expression for the new value of the property.
- 0 - False: Do not freeze the image. (Image display area will show live image)
- -1 - True: Freeze the image. (Image display area will show frozen image)
Default: True
The RuntimeFreeze property lets you choose whether to show the image acquired during a sequence, or show live video after the sequence runs.
Note that when RuntimeFreeze is “False” and live video is displayed until the next sequence runs, it can slow down vision processing, because when a sequence needs to grab an image, it must wait for the current live grab to complete. For fastest processing, use RuntimeFreeze = “False” only when necessary.
See Also
RuntimeAcquire Property, Vision Sequences