RobotPlacePos Result
Runtime only
Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcFinder, ArcInspector, Blob, Correlation, DefectFinder Edge, Geometric, LineInspector Point, Polar
Returns a point that can be used to place a part after finding it with an upward camera.
VGet Sequence.Object.RobotPlacePos[(result)], found, placePoint
- Sequence
- Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name .
- The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- found
- Boolean variable representing whether the part was found.
- placePoint
- Point variable that will contain the place position .
- result
- Optional result number. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult. Used for objects that return multiple results.
- found: True or False
- placePoint: Point containing the coordinates needed to place the part.
The RobotPlacePos result returns a point for placing a part after it has been found with an upward camera.
Using RobotPlacePos eliminates the need to define a tool for the robot when placing parts found with an upward camera. Before you can use RobotPlacePos, you must calibrate it using the CalRobotPlacePos wizard from the Vision Guide GUI, or by setting CalRobotPlacePos at runtime.
Tool and Arm settings at acquisition of this result and the settings at moving the tobot to the acquired position must be the same.
See Also
CalRobotPlacePos Property, RobotPlaceTargetPos Property, RobotPos Property