Tool Bar
The main tool bar, located under the menu bar on the main window, has buttons for commonly used commands. Each button on the tool bar corresponds to a submenu selection from the menu bar. For example, the [Project Wizard] tool bar button corresponds to the [Project Wizard] command in the [Project] menu.
Button | Shortcut | Description |
- | Starts project wizard. | |
Ctrl + N | Creates a new file. | |
Ctrl+O | Opens a file. | |
Ctrl+S | Saves the active files. | |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Saves all open files. | |
Ctrl+P | Opens the [Print] dialog box. | |
Ctrl+X | Copies the current selection into the Clipboard and then deletes the selection. | |
Ctrl+C | Copies the current selection into the Clipboard. | |
Ctrl+V | Puts the contents of the Clipboard into the currently active document starting at the insertion point. | |
Ctrl+F | Finds a text string in the program. | |
F3 | Finds the next occurrence of the search text specified in the last [Find] command. | |
Shift+F3 | Finds the previous occurrence of the search text specified in the last [Find] command. | |
Ctrl+R | Searches for a text string and replace it with new text. | |
Ctrl+G | Displays [Go to Line] dialog. | |
Ctrl+A | Selects the entire files. | |
Tab | Moves the selected line one tab to the right. | |
Shift+Tab | Moves the selected line one tab to the left. | |
Ctrl+F3 | A comment character will be added to the beginning of each of the selected lines. | |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 | The first comment character from each of the selected lines will be removed. | |
Ctrl+B | Builds the current project so that it can be executed. | |
F5 | Opens the [Run] window. | |
F9 | Sets the selected line as a breakpoint or returns it to normal. | |
F6 | Opens the [Robot Manager] window. | |
Ctrl+M | Opens the [Command] window. | |
Ctrl+I | Opens the [I/O Monitor] window. | |
Ctrl+T | Opens the [Task Manager] window. | |
- | Opens the [Macros] Editor. | |
Ctrl + L | Opens [IO Label Editor]. | |
Ctrl+U | Opens the [User Error] editor. | |
Ctrl+F5 | Opens the [Simulator] window. | |
Ctrl+F7 | Opens the [GUI Builder] window. | |
Ctrl+F12 | Opens the [Part Feeding] window. | |
Ctrl+F9 | Opens the [Vision Guide] window. | |
Ctrl+F11 | Opens the [Force Guide] window. | |
Ctrl+F10 | Opens the [Force Monitor] window. | |
- | Opens the [PC to Controller Communications] window. | |
Connection: | - | Displays the connection status with the controller. |
F1 | Opens the help in your browser. |
Hovering the mouse over a tool bar button will show a tool tip which briefly describes the command. For example, when the mouse pointer is over the "Project Wizard" tool bar button, the tool tip displays "Creates a new project."
You can add or remove command buttons on the tool bar by clicking the [Add or Remove Buttons] dropdown arrow button, and then select [Main Toolbar]. Next, click the command you want to add or remove. All tool bar command buttons have fixed positions. Adding and removing tool bar buttons is equivalent to showing or hiding the buttons.
Symbol | Description |
a | Click the drop-down arrow button. |
b | Check this box to show or hide the button. |
If the drop-down list is selected in the [Connection:] toolbar while offline, the most recent connection destination is highlighted in blue.