[Save As] Command (Project Menu)

After saving and closing the current project, create a duplicate with a different name and open the created project.

If the [Setup]-[Preferences]-[Workspace]-[Auto_file save] checkbox is selected, select [Save Project As] to save the project at the same time.

Item Description
New Project Name Type in a new name for the project. Project names can contain alphanumeric characters along with underscores. The maximum number of characters is 24. You can use the same name as the current project if you select a location different from the current project folder.
Project save destination The folder that new projects are saved to. When specifying a new destination, click the [...] button to set the save destination. Set the destination in advance in the Epson RC+ menu, [Setup]-[Preferences]-[Workspace]-[Project Save Destination].
Select Project Folder Click on the desired folder for the project.
New Folder Click this button to create a new folder under the Projects folder.
OK Click this button to save a project with a new name to the specified save destination.
Cancel Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.