[Project]-[Properties]-[Operator Settings]-[Robot Manager]-[Function selection]

Use this page to configure the Robot Manager for operators.

Item Description
Select functions allowed for operators Check the pages that you want the operator to have access to when the Robot Manager is displayed from the operator window. In some pages, there are additional options.
Tool Bar Sets items shown in the toolbar. This checkbox is selected by default and cannot be changed.
- Allow Motor On/Off Allows the operator to switch the motor on or off.
- Allow Power High/Low Allows the operator to switch the power high or low.
- Allow Reset Allows the operator to reset the Emergency Stop status.
Jog & Teach Tab Sets items shown in the [Jog & Teach] panel.
- Allow Teach Allows the operator to teach points from the [Jog & Teach] page.
- Teach only defined points Only defined points are shown in the point list on the [Jog & Teach] page.
- Prompt for new point information When the operator teaches a new point, a dialog will be displayed for entering the point label and description.
- Allow Motion Commands Allows the operator to execute motion commands from the [Jog & Teach] page.
- Allow Hand Operation Allows the operator to execute hand commands from the [Jog & Teach] page.
- Allow SFree / SLock Allows the operator to free or lock joints from the [Jog & Teach] page.
- Allow Home Allows the operator to home the robot from the [Jog & Teach] page.
Points Page Sets items shown in the Points Page.
- Allow Edit Allows the operator to edit point data on the [Points] page.
- Allow Delete Allows the operator to delete points on the [Points] page.
Hand settings tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Hand Settings tab.
Force data tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Force Data tab.
Arch settings tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Arch Settings tab.
Local settings tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Local Settings tab.
Tool settings tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Tool Settings tab.
Arms tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Arms tab.
Pallets tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Pallets tab.
External control point settings Allows the operator to view and edit the External Control Point Settings tab.
Boxes tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Boxes tab.
Planes tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Planes tab.
Weight tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Weight tab.
Inertia tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Inertia tab.
Mass setting tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Mass Setting tab.
VRT tab Allows the operator to view and edit the VRT tab.
XYZ Limits tab Allows the operator to view and edit the XYZ Limits tab.
Range tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Range tab.
Home Config tab Allows the operator to view and edit the Home Config tab.
MCORDR setting tab Allows the operator to view and edit the MCORDR Setting tab.