Teaching part detection for vision

When creating a project that requires vision part detection, you will be asked to perform the following:

  1. Outline the part using a mouse to change the size and position of the model window.

  2. Use the mouse to drag the model reference cross-hair. For a mobile camera to find the part to be picked up, drag the cross-hair to the desired pick position on the part. For an upward camera used to find the part on the end effector, drag the cross-hair so that it is near the center of the part.

  3. Optionally, you can click on the search window and change its size. Try to keep the size as large as possible. The part should be able to be found anywhere in the search window.

  4. Click the [Teach] button to teach the vision model of the part.

  5. Click the [Run] button to check how the part is found by the vision system. You can change the model window and re-teach the model again if desired.