[Display Variables] Command (Run Menu)

: F4

Displays a dialog box that shows the values for all variables in robot controller memory.

To change a variable value

  1. Check the [Edit] checkbox.

  2. Enter the new value in the [Value] column. As you type in new values, the text color changes to red, indicating that the value is new and as not been written.

  3. Click the [Write] button to save the changes to the controller.

    Click the [Read] button or uncheck [Edit] to cancel changes and restore the previous values.

When an array is displayed, the first element is shown. You can change which element to view by selecting the desired array subscript from the drop-down list and then clicking the [Read] button.

The Preserved page displays the Global Preserve variables. The numbers of used and available bytes for preserved variables are also displayed.

You can save the values of Global Preserve variables in the controller to a file on the PC by clicking the [Save] button. The default file name is "GlobalPreserves.dat".


A “GlobalPreserves.dat” file can also be saved from [Controller Backup] in the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu-[Tools]-[Maintenance] dialog.

You can load the global preserve variables that are stored in the file on the PC by clicking the [Load] button.

For module variables, you must select the desired program.

Local variables are not displayed unless one or more tasks have reached a breakpoint or have been halted from the Task Manager.

You can view local variables for each function in the call stack for each halted task.

Using Custom View

  1. Click the [Custom View] tab. If a [Custom View] tab does not appear, click the [+] button on the top right of the window to select it. You can display up to 2 custom view.


Right-click on a custom view tab to rename the tab.

  1. Click the [Add] button to add a new row to the list.
  2. Click the category column and select a variable. (You can choose from Global Preserve or Global)
  3. Click the variable name and select the variable.
  4. Add more rows as needed by repeating steps 2 to 4.
    • [Apply]: Save the changes.
    • [Delete]: Delete a row.
    • [Restore]: Cancel changes.

To rename a view

You can rename custom view tabs.

  1. Select the [Custom View] tab. If no custom views appear, click the [+] button on the top right of the window to select it.

  2. Right click on the view tab and select [Rename].

  3. Rename Custom View will be displayed. Type in a new name, and then click [OK].