Import Command (File Menu)
Import a file from other Epson RC+ 8.0 projects.
The extensions and file names that can be imported are as follows. Be careful.
- Program file names must have a .PRG extension.
- Include file names must have a .INC extension.
- Point file names must have a .PTS extension.
- GUI Builder file names must have a .GUI extension.
- Vision Guide file names must have a .VIS extension.
- Force file names must have a .FRC extension.
- Force Guide file names must have a .FG extension.
- Parts Feeding file names must have a .PF extension.
- I/O labels must have the file name IOLabels.dat
- User errors must have the file name UserErrors.dat
- Macro files must have the file name Macros.dat
To import a file
Select the file type from the [File Type] list box.
Navigate to the file you want to import.
Click the [Open] button.
If a file name is already used in the project folder, you will be prompted to confirm overwrite. The file will then be copied to the current project's folder.
You can only import files created with Epson RC+ 8.0 or EPSON RC+ 7.0. When importing files created with earlier versions than EPSON RC+ 7.0, import the files into EPSON RC+ 7.0, and then import the imported files into Epson RC+ 8.0.