[I/O Label Editor] Command (Tools Menu)
: Ctrl+L
The I/O label editor lets you define meaningful names for inputs, outputs, and memory I/O for each project. The labels can be used in your programs, from the Command window, or in macros. They are also displayed in the I/O Monitor window.
Open the I/O Label Editor
Open the I/O Label Editor using either of the following methods.
- Select the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu-[Tools]-[I/O Label Editor]
- Ctrl + L
- Or, click on the
[I/O Label Editor] button on the toolbar.
Navigating the grid
Press the [Tab] key to move to the next cell. Press the [Shift] + [Tab] key to move to the previous cell. Press the arrow [↑] or [↓] key to move to the cell above or below.
Enter a bit, byte, or word number on the active window to move the cursor to the corresponding row.
Symbol | Description |
a | Shows the types of I/O. For each type of I/O you can view and edit labels for bits, bytes (8 bits), and words (16 bits). |
b | This shows the bit, byte, or word number for the I/O displayed. |
c (when Bit is selected) | Shows the types of defined I/O. Hovering the mouse over the icon will show Label as a tool tip.
d | Sets the label. You can type in up to 32 characters for a label. Label characters can be alphanumeric or underscore. |
e | Enter a description associated with the label. If you add a description to a comment, then the description will be displayed as a tool tip on the I/O Monitor. |
f | Searches for labels, and moves the cursor to the row of the label found. |
g | Only shows registered I/O labels. |
- The I/O Label Editor shows all available I/O types on your controller.
- If the Virtual I/O in [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Preferences] is enabled, the I/O Label Editor will display all I/Os. For example, you can edit Fieldbus I/O labels, but you may not have a Fieldbus board installed in the controller.
When you specified the string (SPEL+ commands and so on) that has other roles in Epson RC+ 8.0 as a label, it may have unexpected consequences. Specify a unique label name so that it does not duplicate with those strings.
If you set a keyword, the following dialog will be shown.
Split screen
Drag the split bar at the top of the grid down to split each grid into two scroll regions.
To add or edit a label
- Select the type of I/O label. Shows a label in the spreadsheet. The number of rows in the spreadsheet equals the number of bits, bytes, or words available for the type you have selected.
- Select the row to add or edit, and then enter a label. Type in the label, which can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters without any spaces. Optionally, you can type a description for the label in the [Description] field.
- Save the label.
After adding or editing labels, save the changes in the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu by executing [Save] from the [File] menu or by clicking on the [Save all files] toolbar button. If any duplicate labels are detected, an error message will be displayed and the save operation will be aborted. You must correct the duplication before you can save the labels successfully.
Cut and paste labels and descriptions
You can cut and paste labels and descriptions by selecting them with the mouse, then executing [Copy], [Cut], and [Paste] from the Epson RC+ 8.0 [Edit] menu.
You can also cut and paste entire rows using the following steps:
Select one or more rows by using the row selectors.
Execute either the [Cut] or [Copy] command from the Epson RC+ 8.0 [Edit] menu. When selecting multiple rows, hold down the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key while selecting rows with the mouse.
Select the row where you want to start the paste by clicking the row selector on the left of the row.
In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Edit]-[Paste].