[Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Locals] Page
This page allows you to define local coordinate systems for a robot. When the tab is selected, the values of all local tools you can define are displayed. A grid is used to display all of the values for the locals you can define. Local "0" is the base coordinate system and cannot be changed from this page.
To change the base coordinate system, use the Base command from the command window. For more details, refer to the following manual:
"SPEL+ Language Reference"
When a local is undefined, then all fields for that local will be blank. When you enter a value in any of the fields for an undefined local, then the remaining fields will be set to zero.
Click the [Apply] button to define the local coordinate system.
For more details on local settings, refer to the following manual:
"SPEL+ Language Reference - Local Statement"
Navigating the grid
Press the [Tab] key to move to the next cell. Press the [Shift] + [Tab] key to move to the previous cell. Press the arrow [↑] or [↓] key to move to the cell above or below.
Item | Description |
Local Wizard | Click this button to start the Local Wizard. Follow the instructions for each step to define a local. See details in the next section. |
X | The X coordinate of the local origin in the base coordinate system. |
Y | The Y coordinate of the local origin in the base coordinate system. |
Z | The Z coordinate of the local origin in the base coordinate system. |
U | Rotation angle of the local about the base Z axis. (roll) |
V | Rotation angle of the local about the base Y axis. (pitch) |
W | Rotation angle of the local about the base X axis. (yaw) |
Apply | Sets the current values. |
Restore | Reverts to the previous values. |
Clear | Clears all selected values. |
Using the Local Wizard
A wizard is provided for defining a local coordinate system. You can define a local using a single point or three points, as described in the following sections. This section describes the procedure used when selecting [Manually define the local using jog & teach]. For details of the Local setting, refer to the following manual:
"Vision Calibration" in "Vision Guide 8.0 Software"
Using the Local Wizard to teach a single point local
Open the [Robot Manager] and click on [Locals] to show the [Locals] page.
Select [Manually define the local using jog & teach], and then click the [Local Wizard] button. The dialog shown below appears.
Select the local number you want to define.
For [How many points will be used], select [1 – Origin]. Since this is a single point local, you will just teach the origin of the new coordinate system. If you want to use the U, V, or W axes for the orientation of the coordinate system, check the [Use U, V, W tool coordinates for local rotation] checkbox. If this checkbox is unchecked, the new coordinate system is offset from local 0 in X and Y, but is not rotated about any axis. Click the [Next] button.
Teach the local origin point.
Click the [Teach] button to open the [Local Wizard Teach Point] dialog box.
Jog the robot until the end effector is aligned with the local origin point.
Click the [Teach] button.
The new local definition is displayed as shown below. Click the [Finish] button to accept the new definition.
Using the Local Wizard to teach a three point local
Open the [Robot Manager] and click on [Locals] to show the [Locals] page.
Select [Manually define the local using jog & teach], and then click the [Local Wizard] button. The dialog shown below appears.
Select the local number you want to define.
For [How many points will be used], select [3 - Origin, X, Y]. Since this is a three point local, you will teach the origin of the new coordinate system, and then teach one point anywhere along the X axis and one point anywhere along the Y axis. Select which axis will be used to align the coordinate system. For example, if you select X, then the new coordinate system X axis will be aligned to the X axis point that you will teach in a later step. The Y axis point will be used to determine tilt. Click the [Next] button.
Teach the local origin point.
Click the [Teach] button to open the [Local Wizard Teach Point] dialog box.
Jog the robot until the end effector is aligned with the origin point.
Click the [Teach] button. The following dialog appears.
Teach a point on the local X axis.
Click the [Teach] button and jog the robot until the end effector is aligned with a point anywhere along the X axis of the new coordinate system. Click the [Teach] button on the [Local Wizard Teach Point] dialog box to continue.
Teach a point on the local Y axis.
Click the [Teach] button and jog the robot until the end effector is aligned with a point anywhere along the Y axis of the new coordinate system. Click the [Teach] button on the [Local Wizard Teach Point] dialog box to continue.
The new local definition is displayed as shown below.
Click the [Finish] button to accept the new definition.