[Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Inertia] Page

This page is for changing the Inertia parameters.

For more details on Inertia settings, refer to the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference - Inertia Statement"

You can also set by following "Weight, Inertia, and Eccentricity/offset Measurement Utility". See details below.

Weight, Inertia, and Eccentricity / Offset Measurement Utility

Item Description
Load inertia Type in the new load inertia of the payload on the robot in kg· m2. This includes the inertia of end effector plus the part to be carried.
Eccentricity Type in the new eccentricity value in millimeters. This is the distance from rotational center of joint 4 to the center of gravity of end effector and part.
Apply Sets the current values.
Restore Reverts to the previous values.
Defaults Displays factory default settings.