[Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Weight] Panel

This page is for changing the Weight parameters for the robot.

For more details on Weight settings, refer to the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference - Weight Statement"

You can also set by following "Weight, Inertia, and Eccentricity/offset Measurement Utility". See details below.

Weight, Inertia, and Eccentricity / Offset Measurement Utility

Item Description
Weight Type in the new total weight of the payload on the robot.
kg/lbs Select which unit you would like to view. (kg/lbs)
Length Change it when you use SCARA robots with special specifications which length of Arm #2 has been changed. The arm length is the distance from the center of the second axis to the center of the third axis.
Apply Sets the current values.
Restore Reverts to the previous values.
Defaults Displays factory default settings.