[Edit] Command (Project Menu)
The [Edit] command is used to define which program files, include files, point files, and force files are to be used in the current project. The [Project Files] contains a list of files in the current project folder. You can select which files to view from the [File Type] list box. The [Project Build] on the right shows the projects in the tree. The tree includes program files, include files, point files, and force files.
To use a file in the [Project Files] list in a project, click the [Add] button and register the file in the [Project Build] tree.
In the [Project Explorer], right-click on the target robot of a program file, include file, point file, or force file to add an existing program from another project from the context menu.
Create a new program file, include file
Enter the file name in the [File Name] text box.
The name of the include file can also be the same name as a program. The name can include alphanumeric characters along with underscores( _ ).
Click the [Add] button. You will be prompted to create a new file. Click the [Yes] button. The file created will be added to the [Project Build] tree.
Add an existing program file or include file to a project
- Select the file that you want in the [File Type] box.
- Select the file name to add to the project from the list.
- Click the [Add] button. Alternatively, double click the selected file. Files are added to the [Project Build] tree.
Add a new point file, force file
Enter the file name to create in the [File Name] box.
The name can include alphanumeric characters along with underscores( _ ).
Select the robot folder you want to register from the [Project Build] tree.
Click the [Add] button. You will be prompted to create a new file. Click the [Yes] button. The file created will be added to the robot selected in the [Project Build] tree.
Add an existing point file or force file to the project
- Select the file that you want in the [File Type] box.
- Select the robot folder you want to register from the [Project Build] tree.
- Select the file name to add to the project from the list.
- Click the [Add] button. The file will be added to the selected robot of the [Project Build] tree.
Remove a program file, include file, point file, force file
Select the file you want to remove in the [Project Build] tree.
Click the [Remove] button to remove the file from the [Project Build] tree.
The file is not deleted from the project folder, so you will still see the file in the file list.
To add a new robot
- Click the [New Robot] button. This adds a robot to [Robot Points], [Force Control] in the [Project Build] tree.
To set a default point file
The default point file is a point file that is automatically loaded to a robot with the project load. Each robot can have one point file as the default.
- Select a point file to set as the default from each robot of the [Robot Points] folder in the [Project Build] tree.
- Click the [Set Default] button. The file will be set as the default of the registered robot.
The common point file is a point file that is available for all robots on the controller. To use this point file, you need to load it from the SPEL+ program to the robot using LoadPoints command.