Inputs and Outputs

For pick and place project types, you will be prompted by the wizard to configure input and output signals. Only the GripOn output is required. All other I/O signals are optional. I/O labels for the new project are automatically created. The signals that are defined are used in the generated SPEL+ program.


Signals that have been reserved for use with remote I/O are not allowed.

Signal Name Type Description
StartCycle Input Starts a pick and place cycle. If not defined, a message box is added to the generated code that prompts the operator to start a cycle.
PartGripped Input Used to detect if the part is grasped or not. For example, if a vacuum gripper is used, this signal could be a vacuum sensor that detects that a part was picked up or released. If this signal is not specified, then a predefined delay is added to the code after turning the part gripper on and off.
InCycle Output Indicates that a pick and place cycle is running.
GripOn Output Turns on the gripper to grip the part.
GripOff Output If specified, this turns off the hand to release the part. The hands with two points requires to specify. If not specified, the part is released when GripOn is Off.
ErrorLight Output Indicates that an error occurred.
MobCamLight Output Controls the light mounted with the mobile camera.
UpCamLight Output Controls the light mounted with the upward camera.