C: Pick and place without vision
Beforehand, following preparations need to be done.
- Make sure that the connection settings of the robot controller are properly configured.
- By default, Epson RC+ 8.0 will connect to the Controller with USB. Make sure that the PC on which RC+ is started and the robot controller are properly connected with a USB cable.
- If you need a setting for Ethernet connection, you can set the connection from [Setup]-[PC to Controller Communications] Ethernet.
- Mount a hand for gripping a part. Determine the robot controller output(s) required to open and close the hand.
When the following window is displayed, select [Pick and place without vision], and then click [Next].
Select a Controller to connect. If it doesn't have connecting Controller in the list, click [New Connection] then Controller connecting wizard will start. See details below.
Select a robot to use.
Set main I/O to use. Make sure to select output bit "GripOn". For more details of each Input/Output bit, see below.
Select a robot tool. By setting the tool according to the hand you're using, jog operation will be more intuitive. See details below.
From here, move the actual robot to teach the position. See details below.
Jog the robot and teach the Park robot position. Park robot position is a point where a robot stops moving and waits for signals to start.
Jog the robot and teach the Pick robot position. Pick robot position is a point to hold (pick) a target workpiece.
Jog the robot and teach the PickAppro (pick approach) robot position. It is recommended to specify the point for PickAppro robot position that is slightly moved in the +Z direction from the pick position to prevent collision with a jig near the pick position.
Jog the robot and teach the Place robot position. Place robot position is a point to release (place) the target workpiece.
Jog the robot and teach the PlaceAppro (place approach) robot position. Same as the PlaceAppro robot position, it is recommended to specify the point that is slightly moved in the +Z direction from the place position.
This is the end of the steps for the project wizard.