[Command Window] Command (Tools Menu)

: Ctrl+M

You can execute SPEL+ commands from the robot controller and view the results.

Open command window

To open the Command window by either of the following methods.

  • Select the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu-[Tools]-[Command Window]
  • Or, click on the  [Command Window] button on the toolbar.
  • Or, press the [Ctrl]+[M] keys

Set the Command window input format

In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Setup]-[Preferences]-[Command Window] to change input format setting. See details below.

[Setup]-[Preferences]-[Command Window] Page

To execute SPEL+ commands from the Command window

  1. Type in the desired command after the prompt (>). Commands can be entered in upper or lower case.

  2. Press the [Enter] key to execute the command.

  3. Wait for the prompt to return before typing in a new command.

    When an error occurs, an error number will be displayed along with an error message.

If the input format is set to the terminal, you can use the arrow keys or the mouse to move the cursor to any line in the window that starts with a prompt (>) character and execute it by pressing the [Enter] key.

If the input format is set to command line, press the [↑] or [↓] arrow keys to scroll through the command history. Press the arrow keys to show the executed commands in sequence. Press the [Enter] key to execute.

Example: When executing the print "BBB" command after executing the print "AAA" command When you execute the print "AAA" command, the execution result will be displayed on the command window as shown below.

You can execute the print "BBB" command by diverting the executed command.

  • When the input format is set to terminal, move the insertion point by the arrow keys to rewrite "AAA" of the executed command to "BBB."

  • When the input format is set to command line, press the [↑] or [↓] arrow keys to display the previously executed commands in order. You can rewrite "AAA" of the displayed command to "BBB."

Command Window Keys

Key Action
Ctrl+A Select entire window.
Ctrl+C Stop the program and initialize robot controller. If a robot motion command is in progress, the prompt will return when the command has been completed.
Ctrl+V Execute Paste command. Paste from Clipboard to current selection.
Ctrl+X Execute Cut command. Cut current selection and put in Clipboard.
Ctrl+Z Undo last change.
Ctrl+W Re-display last command line after the prompt. Only enabled in terminal format.
Ctrl+Home Go to the top of the window. Only enabled in terminal format.
Ctrl+End Go to last prompt at end of the window. Only enabled in terminal format.
? Translates to "PRINT" when used as the first character of a command. This can be used to display variables or any statement that requires a PRINT command.
[↑] Key Calls command history. Press this key to display the previous command. This is only enabled in command line format.
[↓] Key Calls command history. Press this key to display the next command. This is only enabled in command line format.