[Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Planes] Page

This page allows you to define Plane (approach check plane) settings for a robot. When the page is selected, the current values are displayed. When a Plane is undefined, then all fields for that Plane will be blank. When you enter a value in any of the fields for an undefined Plane setting, then the remaining fields will be set to zero. The Plane will be defined when you press the [Apply] button.

For more details on Planes settings, refer to the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference - Plane Statement"

Navigating the grid

Press the [Tab] key to move to the next cell. Press the [Shift] + [Tab] key to move to the previous cell. Press the arrow [↑] or [↓] key to move to the cell above or below.

Item Description
X Sets the X origin of the coordinate for approach check plane.
Y Sets the Y origin of the coordinate for approach check plane.
Z Sets the Z origin of the coordinate for approach check plane.
U Sets the U origin of the coordinate for approach check plane.
V Sets the V origin of the coordinate for approach check plane.
W Sets the W origin of the coordinate for approach check plane.
Apply Sets the current values.
Restore Reverts to the previous values.
Clear Clears all values.


  1. Select [Robot Manager]-[Planes] tab to show the [Planes] page.

  2. Click the [Plane Wizard] button. The dialog shown below appears.

  3. Select the plane number to define and the number of points to teach, and then click the [Next] button.


    You can select either "1" or "3" for the number of points to teach. If you select "1", the robot posture at teaching will be reflected. If you select "3", the robot posture will not be reflected.

    For details, refer to the following manual.

    "SPEL+ Language Reference - Plane Statement"

  4. Click the [Teach] button to show the [Teach plane origin point] page.

    • If the number of point to teach is "1":

      1. Jog the robot to the reference point to teach the position of it. Click the [Teach] button. The following dialog appears.

      2. The new plane definition is displayed as shown below. Click [Finish] to apply the new definition.

    • If the number of point to teach is “3”:

      1. Jog the robot to the reference point to teach the position of it (Point #1). Click the [Teach] button. The following dialog appears.

      2. Teach the X axis specified point (Point #2) and the Y axis specified point (Point #3) in the same way as the step 1).

  5. The new plane definition is displayed as shown below. Click [Finish] to apply the new definition.