[Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Tools] Page

This page allows you to define tool settings for a robot. When the tab is selected, the values of 15 tools you can define are displayed.

When a tool is undefined, then all fields for that tool will be blank. When you enter a value in any of the fields for an undefined robot tool, then the remaining fields will be set to zero.

Click the [Apply] button to define the tool coordinate system.

For more details on tool settings, refer to the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference - TLSet Statement"

Navigating the grid

Press the [Tab] key to move to the next cell. Press the [Shift] + [Tab] key to move to the previous cell. Press the arrow [↑] or [↓] key to move to the cell above or below.

Item Description
Tool Wizard This button starts the Tool Wizard. Follow the instructions for each step of the wizard to define a tool. See details in the next section.
X The X coordinate of the tool.
Y The Y coordinate of the tool.
Z Z offset of tool.
U Rotation angle of the tool about the Z axis. (roll)
V Rotation angle of the tool about the Y axis. (pitch)
W Rotation angle of the tool about the X axis. (yaw)
Apply Sets the current values.
Restore Reverts to the previous values.
Clear Clears all selected values.

Define tools with wizard

A wizard is provided for defining a tools coordinate system. This section describes the procedure for SCARA and 6-axis robots when [Define a tool by using jog & teach] is selected. For details of the Tool definition, refer to the following manual:

"Vision Calibration" in "Vision Guide 8.0 Software"

Using the Tool Wizard for SCARA Robots

  1. Select [Robot Manager]-[Tools] tab to show the [Tools] page.

  2. Select [Define a tool by using jog & teach], and then click the [Tool Wizard] button. The dialog shown below appears.

    Select the tool number to define and click the [Next] button.

  3. Jog the robot until the tool is aligned with the reference point. Then click the [Teach] button to show the [Jog & Teach] dialog box. Match the tool and the reference point.

  4. Click the [Teach] button. The following dialog appears.

    After rotating the U axis as shown below to change the angle, jog the X and Y axes until the tool is aligned with the reference point. Then click the [Teach] button to show the [Jog & Teach] dialog box. Match the tool and the reference point.

  5. Click the [Teach] button. The new tool definition is displayed as shown below. Click the [Finish] button to apply the new definition.


The robot can be calibrated with a different posture from the wizard.

For 6-axis robots (including N series)


  • There are two calibration methods for 6-axis robots. 3D Tool moves the robot in X, Y, Z, U, V, and W directions to calibrate, while 2D Tool moves the robot in X, Y, Z, and U directions. The robot can be calibrated with 2D Tool only when the robot posture is “V=0°, W=0°”, or “V=0°, W=180° (-180°).
  • When comparing 2D Tool and 3D Tool, 2D Tool has following advantages and disadvantages. Choose the suitable method according to the intended use.
    • Advantages:
      • Shorter calibration time than 3D Tool
      • Since V and W axes are not moved, peripherals and cables are less likely to interfere the calibration
    • Disadvantages:
      • Calibration accuracy may be worse than 3D Tool
      • The Z-axis direction offset is not performed automatically (*1)

*1: If the Z-axis direction offset is required, enter the offset value in the following dialog box after calibration.

  1. Select [Robot Manager]-[Tools] tab to show the [Tools] page.

  2. Select [Define a tool by using jog & teach], and then click the [Tool Wizard] button. The dialog shown below appears. Select the tool number to define and click the [Next] button.

  3. Click the [Next] button. Select either 3D Tool or 2D Tool.

  4. If using 3D Tool, select the number of points to teach, and click the [Next] button.


    The "number of points to teach" is the amount of times to teach the same point (reference point) in the robot motion range while changing only the tool direction. The number to teach should be at least three. Although it depends on the teaching accuracy of each point, more accurate tool setting can be set by increasing the number. To increase the tool setting accuracy, set the angle of approximately 10° or more for J5 pulse in order to avoid singularity near 0° when teaching the reference point.

  5. Jog the robot until the tool is aligned with the reference point.

    Then click the [Teach] button to show the [Jog & Teach] dialog box. Match the tool and the reference point.

  6. Click the [Teach] button. The following dialog appears.

    • If using 3D Tool, rotate the U, V, and W axes as shown below, and then jog the X, Y, and Z axes until the tool is aligned with the reference point. Repeat teaching until the robot can reach the reference point from other tool orientation as often as you specified in (3).
    • If using 2D Tool, rotate only the U axis as shown below, and then jog the X, Y, and Z axes until the tool is aligned with the reference point.

    Clicking the [Teach] button displays the [Jog & Teach] dialog box for both 3D Tool and 2D Tool. Match the tool and the reference point.


    When moving the U, V, and W axes, move the arm upward in order to avoid collision of the tool and the reference point.

    For 3D Tool:

    For 2D Tool:

  7. The new tool definition is displayed as shown below. Click the [Finish] button to apply the new definition.


Although it is recommended to calibrate the robot with the same posture as the wizard, it is possible to calibrate the robot with the different robot posture from wizard. When you don't use the robot with the same posture as the wizard, change the robot posture for five degrees or more. The bigger the robot posture change, the more accurate the tool setting.