[Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Points] Page

You can input/delete the point data.

When a point file is selected, the robot controller loads the file into memory.

As points are taught on the [Robot Manager]-[Jog & Teach] page, the spreadsheet on the Points page is updated.

For details on how to save points, refer to Saving your work.

Navigating the grid

Press the [Tab] key to move to the next cell. Press the [Shift] + [Tab] key to move to the previous cell. Press the arrow [↑] or [↓] key to move to the cell above or below.

Item Description
Point File Select a point file.
Show only registered Only shows registered point data.
Find label.
Delete Pxxx Deletes the selected point. You will be prompted to confirm the operation.
Delete All Deletes all points in the file. You will be prompted to confirm the operation.
Save Saves the current values.
Restore Reverts to the previous values. You will be prompted to confirm the operation.