Callback Functions

Callback functions are SPEL+ functions called back from the Part Feeding process when certain conditions are met. Callback functions are automatically generated within a project when parts are added. Callback functions are to be modified by the user based on the system in use.

For example, let’s assume the user sets a robot command to pick and place parts to the PF_Robot callback function. If the robot can pick up parts scattered randomly across the feeder, the Part Feeding process will then call the PF_Robot callback function. Therefore, it is important to note that callback functions are not called using user-prepared functions. Rather, they are automatically called up from the Part Feeding process.

The following is a list of callback functions with a description of each.

Function name Description
PF_Robot Picks up and places parts
PF_Control Controls user device (hopper, user lighting)
PF_Status Error processing
PF_MobileCam Moves robot while using the mobile camera
PF_Vision Performs user-defined vision processing
PF_Feeder Customer's own feeder operation
PF_CycleStop Performs processing when a stop command is issued

The following lists the conditions upon which callback functions are called.

Condition Function name
Able to pick up parts PF_Robot
Parts no longer found PF_Status
Turn on the user lighting PF_Control
Mobile camera is moved to image capture position PF_MobileCam
An error occurred. PF_Status

Refer to the following for further details on the callback functions.
Part Feeding Callback Functions