Error processing

This section describes how to process errors that occur while using the Part Feeding option.

  1. Processing errors occurring in the callback function

    Detect and process errors occurring within the callback function inside the function itself. Use this error processing method if you wish to proceed without returning control to the Part Feeding process.
    Example: A parts suction error occurs with the PF_Robot callback function, initiating a retry process

  2. Processing errors occurring in the PF_Status callback function

    Set a value other than PF_CALLBACK_SUCCESS to the return value (user error 8000-8999) if an error occurs in the callback function.
    The Part Feeding process will set this value to the Status parameter of the PF_Status callback function at startup.
    Use this error processing method to share error processes.
    Refer to the following for further details.

  3. Processing errors occurring inside the Part Feeding process

    An error may occur inside the Part Feeding process due to incomplete Part Feeding parameter settings (unspecified PF_Start), incomplete vision system settings, or other deficiencies.
    The Part Feeding process will set PF_STATUS_ERROR to the Status parameter at startup.
    The Part Feeding process will terminate once the PF_Status function ends.
    Refer to the following for further details.