Verifying Hardware Conveyor Trigger / Vision Trigger

Verifying the Hardware Conveyor Trigger

  1. Move the conveyor and stop it.

  2. Check the encoder pulse. Enter the following to the command window.

    > Print CnvPulse (Conveyor number)
  3. Turn ON the I/O output number which the trigger is wired to. Latch the encoder pulse.

  4. Check the latch pulse. Enter the following to the command window.

    > Print Cnv_LPulse (Conveyor number)
    • If the same value as obtained in the Step 2 is latched, the verification is completed.
    • If not, check the hardware conveyor trigger wiring.

Verifying the Vision Trigger

  1. Set the RuntimeAcquire property of the vision sequence to “Strobed” and the TriggerMode property to “Leading”.
  2. Execute the vision sequence and put it into the trigger waiting state.
  3. Turn ON the I/O output number which the trigger is wired to and release the shutter.
    • If the captured image is displayed on the VisionGuide window, the verification is completed.
    • If not, check the vision trigger wiring.