Sample Program
Vision conveyor programming
Typically, two tasks are used to operate a vision conveyor.
One task finds parts with the vision system and adds them to the conveyor queue.
The other task checks for parts in the Pickup Area of the conveyor queue. When a part is in the Pickup Area, the robot is commanded to pick up the part and place it to the specified position.
The following example is a sample program that uses Xqt to execute two tasks from the "main" function.
- First task: "ScanConveyorStrobed" function
- Second task: "PickParts" function
A corresponding program is shown below.
Wiring Example of Vision Conveyor Tracking System
This sample program is a hardware trigger structure that uses controller I/O to trigger the camera and latch the encoder.
The following program is a sample with Conveyor #1.
This sample program automatically recovers when the robot tracks the workpiece that is out of the Pickup Area.
Function main
Motor On
Power High
Speed 30
Accel 30, 30
Xqt ScanConveyorStrobed 'Task that registers queues
Xqt PickParts 'Task that tracks parts (queue)
Function ScanConveyorStrobed
Integer i, numFound, state, trigger
Real x, y, u
Boolean found
trigger = 10 'Allocates pin10 of controller I/O
Off trigger 'Turns OFF the camera trigger and encoder latch I/O
VRun FindParts 'Searches for parts on the conveyor
On trigger 'Turns ON the camera trigger and encoder latch I/O
VGet FindParts.AcquireState, state
Loop Until state = 3
VGet FindParts.Parts.NumberFound, numFound
'Registers the part that has been shot as a queue
For i = 1 to numFound
VGet FindParts.Parts.CameraXYU(i), found, x, y, u
Cnv_QueAdd 1, Cnv_Point(1, x, y)
Next i
Off trigger 'Turns OFF the camera trigger and encoder latch I/O
Wait 0.1
Function PickParts
OnErr GoTo ErrHandler
Integer ErrNum
Cnv_Mode 1,1 'Selects the tracking mode
'Waits until a part (queue) enters the Pickup Area
'Starts tracking the part
'When using the SCARA robot
Jump Cnv_QueGet(1)
Wait 0.1 'The robot moves at the same speed as the conveyor for the Wait time specified to this part
Jump P1 'Moves the picked part to a specified place
Cnv_QueRemove 1, 0 'Clears the picked part (queue)
'Clears the parts (queue) in the downstream side from the Pickup Area
'Automatically recovers from the error '"The specified queue data is outside the set area"
ErrNum = Err
If ErrNum = 4406 Then
Cnv_QueRemove 1, 0
EResume WaitParts
'Displays an error other than "The specified queue data is outside the set area"
Print "Error!"
Print "No.", Err, ":", ErrMsg$(Err, 1)
Print "Line :", Erl(0)
'User error occurred
Error 8000
When you use software trigger, use the "ScanConveyorStrobed" function shown below.
Function ScanConveyorNonStrobed
Integer i, numFound
Real x, y, u
Boolean found
'Searches for parts on the conveyor
VRun FindParts
Cnv_Trigger 1 'Latches the encoder with software trigger
VGet FindParts.Parts.NumberFound, numFound
'Registers the part as a queue
For i = 1 to numFound
VGet FindParts.Parts.CameraXYU(i), found, x, y, u
Cnv_QueAdd 1, Cnv_Point(1, x, y)
Next i
Wait 0.1
Sensor conveyor programming
Typically, two tasks are used to operate a sensor conveyor. One task waits for a part to trip the sensor and add it to the conveyor queue. The other task checks for parts in the Pickup Area of the conveyor queue. When a part is in the Pickup Area, the robot is commanded to pick up the part and place it to the specified position.
This sample program automatically recovers when the robot tracks the workpiece that is out of the Pickup Area.
Function main
Motor On
Power High
Speed 30
Accel 30, 30
Xqt ScanConveyor 'Task that registers queues
Xqt PickParts 'Task that tracks parts (queue)
Function ScanConveyor
Double lpulse1 'Previous latch pulse
lpulse1 = Cnv_LPulse(1) 'Registers the latch pulse as lpulse1
'Registers a part as a queue only when it passes the sensor
If lpulse1 <> Cnv_LPulse(1) Then
Cnv_QueAdd 1, Cnv_Point(1, 0, 0)
lpulse1 = Cnv_LPulse(1) 'Updates lpulse1
Function PickParts
OnErr GoTo ErrHandler
Integer ErrNum
Cnv_Mode 1,1 'Selects the tracking mode
'Waits until a part (queue) enters the Pickup Area
'Starts tracking the part
'When using the SCARA robot
Jump Cnv_QueGet(1)
Wait 0.1 'The robot moves at the same speed as the conveyor for the Wait time specified to this part
Jump P1 'Moves the picked part to a specified place
Cnv_QueRemove 1, 0 'Clears the picked part (queue)
'Clears the parts (queue) in the downstream side from the Pickup Area
'Automatically recovers from the error '"The specified queue data is outside the set area"
ErrNum = Err
If ErrNum = 4406 Then
Cnv_QueRemove 1, 0
EResume WaitParts
'Displays an error other than "The specified queue data is outside the set area"
Print "Error!"
Print "No.", Err, ":", ErrMsg$(Err, 1)
Print "Line :", Erl(0)
'User error occurred
Error 8000