Sensor conveyor calibration (Straight conveyor)
Follow these steps to calibrate a straight sensor conveyor:
- When teaching part positions with the robot during calibration, it is important to position X, Y, and Z of each point accurately. The conveyor is calibrated in X, Y, Z, U, V, and W.
- To perform the fine calibration, in the step 9 and 11, set as wide distance as possible between the upstream limit and downstream limit. After the calibration, adjust the Pickup Area by resetting the upstream / downstream limits.
- For the level orientation, the conveyor height is determined by the position of the robot end effector taught in step 8. It cannot be used for the tilted conveyor for it does not detect the conveyor slope. Steps 19 to 20 are not displayed.
- For the tilted orientation, it calibrates the conveyor slope with the position of robot end effector taught in the steps 8, 10, 12, and 14.
Select [Tools]-[Conveyor Tracking].
Select the conveyor you want to calibrate.
Click the [Calibrate] button. The [Conveyor Tracking Calibration] wizard is displayed.
Follow the instructions for each step. Before you can proceed to the next step, you must click the [Teach] button. You can go back to previous steps using the [Back] button.
Select the [Part Flow Direction] to best match the conveyor you are calibrating. The instruction pictures will change according to the setting. [Part Flow Direction] is only used to aid in the instructions. It has no effect on the calibration.
Place a part on the conveyor and move the conveyor toward the sensor until the sensor just turns on.
Click the [Teach] button.
Move the conveyor until the part is within reach of the robot. Do not move the parts, only the conveyor.
Click the [Jog & Teach] button.
The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.
Click the [Teach] button.
Now move or place the part at the upstream limit. Click the [Jog & Teach] button.
The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.
Click the [Teach] button.
Move the conveyor so the part is at the downstream limit. Do not move the parts, only the conveyor.
Click the [Jog & Teach] button.
The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.
Click the [Teach] button.
Place a part on one side of the conveyor near the downstream limit. This point is used to determine the tilt of the conveyor from side to side.
Click the [Jog & Teach] button.
The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.
Click the [Teach] button.
The calibration complete picture will be displayed. Click the [Finish] button.
The Calibration Results screen is displayed.
- Click the [OK] button to complete the calibration.
- Click the [Cancel] button to return to the Calibration Complete screen in step 15.