Sensor Conveyor Calibration (Circular conveyor)

Follow these steps to calibrate a circular sensor conveyor:


  • When teaching part positions with the robot during calibration, it is important to position X, Y, and Z of each point accurately. The conveyor is calibrated in X, Y, Z, U, V, and W.
  • To perform the fine calibration, in steps 10, 12, and 14, teach the position when the robot is directly above the parts and set as wide a distance as possible between the points to be taught.
  1. Select [Tools]-[Conveyor Tracking].

  2. Select the conveyor you want to calibrate.

  3. Select [Sensor] for the [Type].

  4. Select [Circular] for the [Motion].

  5. Select the conveyor rotating direction for the [Direction]. Be careful not to calibrate with a wrong direction, otherwise, the robot will not track the parts.

  6. Click the [Apply] button.

  7. Click the [Calibrate] button.

    The [Conveyor Tracking Calibration] wizard is displayed. Follow the instructions for each step. Before you can proceed to the next step, you must click the [Teach] button. You can go back to previous steps using the [Back] button.

  8. Check if the conveyor direction shown in the wizard is the same as the conveyor you want to use.

  9. Place a part on the conveyor and move the conveyor toward the sensor until the sensor just turns on.

    Click the [Teach] button.

  10. Move the conveyor by hand to move Part.

    Click the [Jog & Teach] button.

  11. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.

    Click the [Teach] button.

  12. Move the conveyor to move Part.

    Click the [Jog & Teach] button.

  13. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.

    Click the [Teach] button.

  14. Move the conveyor to move Part.

    Click the [Jog & Teach] button.

  15. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position.

    Click the [Teach] button.

  16. Place a part on the upstream limit.

    Click the [Jog & Teach] button.

  17. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector above the part.

    Click the [Teach] button.

  18. Move the conveyor so the part is at the downstream limit.

    Click the [Jog & Teach] button.

  19. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector above the part.

    Click the [Teach] button.

  20. The calibration complete picture will be displayed.

    Click the [Finish] button.

  21. The Calibration Results screen is displayed.

    • Click the [OK] button to complete the calibration.
    • Click the [Cancel] button to return to the Calibration Complete screen in step 20.