Setting a Target Point
When executing CP motion and Path motion in Conveyor Tracking, specify a target point by using conveyor queue data detected in Vision system or points.
To use points:
Teach points in the dispensing path using a workpiece placed on the conveyor. Do not move the conveyor during teaching.
Specify the coordinate differences between points for CP motion and Path motion. If the angle of the workpiece is different from that of the teaching, calculate the angle difference and specify the coordinates.
The following is a sample program that uses CP motion and Path motion on a square shape.
Teach in the order of P1, P2, P3, P4, P1.
Converts point coordinates to conveyor coordinates (using conveyor 1)
P101 = P1 @CNV1; P102 = P2 @CNV1
P103 = P3 @CNV1; P104 = P4 @CNV1
Jump Cnv_QueGet(1,0) 'Follows the queue position
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,0)+X(CX(P102)-CX(P101))+Y(CY(P102)-CY(P101)) CP
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,0)+X(CX(P103)-CX(P101))+Y(CY(P103)-CY(P101)) CP
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,0)+X(CX(P104)-CX(P101))+Y(CY(P104)-CY(P101)) CP
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,0)
To use CVMove command:
Converts point coordinates to conveyor coordinates (using conveyor 1)
P101 = P1 @CNV1; P102 = P2 @CNV1
P103 = P3 @CNV1; P104 = P4 @CNV1
Curve "MyFile", O, 2, 4, P(101:104) 'Creates a Curve file
Jump Cnv_QueGet(1,0) 'Follows the queue position
CVMove "MyFile"
To use conveyor queue data detected in Vision system:
Register the position of points P1 to P4 in the diagram of "To use points:" to Vision system as conveyor queue data. Converting coordinates as in "To use points:" or calculating the coordinate differences between points and the angle of a workpiece are not required.
To use CVMove command, create Curve in the same way as "To use points:"
Jump Cnv_QueGet(1,0) 'Follows the queue position
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,1) CP
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,2) CP
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,3) CP
Move Cnv_QueGet(1,0)