Creating Conveyors in a Project
Conveyors are configured for each Epson RC+ project. Up to 16 conveyors can be created per project. A conveyor is a logical entity that combines a robot with one or more conveyors.
There are two types of conveyors: vision and sensor. If you will be using a vision camera to find the parts on the conveyor, you must first create a vision sequence to find the parts. This vision sequence is required when you define the conveyor.
To add a conveyor to a project
Select [Tools]-[Conveyor Tracking] to open the [Conveyor Tracking] configuration dialog.
To add a conveyor, click the [Add] button.
The dialog shown below appears.
Enter a name for the conveyor, then specify the Robot #, Encoder #, Type, Motion, and Orientation.
- A default conveyor name is created automatically when a new conveyor is added. You can change the name as desired.
- When you use a straight conveyor, select "Line" for [Motion].
- When you use a circular conveyor, select "Circular" for [Motion].