How to check the tracking abort state

You can check the tracking state in relation to the tracking abort line using the Cnv_Flag function.

A Cnv_Flag return value of “0” indicates normal operation, while “other than 0” indicates that tracking has been canceled or aborted. If the return value is other than "0", perform the following adjustments.

When 1:

Tracking has been canceled as the workpiece is expected to exceed the tracking abort line before tracking commences.

Motion start may be delayed due to the downstream limit position setting. Set a downstream limit that is further toward the upstream side than the current position.

When 2:

Tracking has been aborted as the tracking abort line was crossed during tracking (before pickup).

Motion start and completion could be delayed due to an improper downstream limit position and robot standby position. Set a downstream limit that is further toward the upstream side than the current position. Alternatively, bring the robot standby position closer to the downstream limit.

When 3:

Tracking has been aborted as the tracking abort line was crossed during tracking (during pickup).

Motion start and completion could be delayed due to an improper downstream limit position and robot standby position, or an improper pickup time. Set a downstream limit that is further toward the upstream side than the current position. Alternatively, bring the robot standby position closer to the downstream limit. Try reducing the workpiece pickup time.

When 4:

Tracking has been canceled as the workpiece was outside the Pickup Area during motion command execution.

Refer to the sample program to put the robot on standby until the workpiece exceeds the upstream limit.

If this still occurs even when performing the above, the number of workpieces in the work flow may exceed the robot's processing capacity, causing the workpieces to exceed the downstream limit. Try performing the following adjustments.

  • Reduce the number of workpieces
  • Increase acceleration using Cnv_Accel
  • Setup a downstream conveyor


If tracking motion is canceled or aborted, the program will continue to execute the subsequent instruction without stopping.