Conveyor Tracking with 6-Axis Robot
When you use a 6-axis robot in a conveyor tracking system, you need to set the values of U, V, and W.
For this, use the Cnv_QueGet command.
The following shows the case where the robot end effector moves toward a part during the pickup.
Go Cnv_Queget(Conveyor number,[Index]):U(90):V(0):W(180)
An example of using Jump3 is shown below.
Jump3 P1,Cnv_QueGet(1):Z(**):U(90):V(0):W(180),
When setting the Z(**) height, be aware of the following:
Home position of Z in the tracking coordinate is the calibration position.
To raise the Z height in the tracking coordinate, offset in a positive (+) direction.
To lower the Z height in the tracking coordinate, offset in a minus (-) direction.
Robot coordinate P1 can be converted to the conveyor coordinate and displayed.
> print P1@cnv1